Waving Flag: Notes

The ADLG Mega Table (Part 3)

In April last year I posted a second article about the Art de la Guerre (ADLG) Mega Table (or the table on page 22 as it's otherwise known).  In it I described my reverse engineering of the combat factors in an attempt to hammer them into my head.

This afternoon I was musing on how complex the first round of combat is compared to the subsequent rounds.  Whilst using my reworked table of combat factors to check a few things I spotted something amiss.

In April I attempted to separate general combat factors from those that only apply in the first round.  What I spotted was; I hadn't done the same for the few "Special Abilities" (from pages 17-20) listed in the Mega Table (Javelin, Armour, 2HW, Panic, & Impact).

To me, it looks like the authors have chosen to list some abilities when the troops always have it.  For example; Javelinmen always have the "Javelin" ability and so it is listed.  Conversely, Light Infantry are not always armed with javelins so their entry doesn't include it.  Sensible really; up to a point.

For my reworked table this causes a slight problem because, for troops that always possess an ability, the resultant set can be a slightly confusing mixture: for example Cataphracts always have "Heavy Armour" (all rounds) and "Impact" (first round only).

To rectify this I re-designed the table to fully differentiate between factors & abilities that always apply and those that only affect the first round of combat.

There are links below to all the posts on this topic and links to pdfs of the original and updated versions of the combat factor table.  Please let me know if you spot any errors.

#2024 #adlg #wargaming