Waving Flag: Notes

ADLG: Northern League Round 4 (Manchester, 08 September 2024)


Once again I braved the northbound M6 on a rainy Sunday morning. Fortified by the mandatory bacon buttie (sandwich), the journey there wasn't too bad.

This competition, my second in 2024, came at just the right time. The theme meant I could take the army I have chosen for this year's King in the North competition. I have had some practice, but only against Romans. Surprisingly, there were no Roman armies entered so I was bound to face a wider variety of opponents.

I'd also arranged to collect some very good 3D printed Song & Khitan figures from Mick Hood. These will be added to my Mongol collection. When they get painted, that is. My painting queue is quite long so that'll be sometime in 2025.

Event Summary

Event Northern League Round 4
Date 08 September 2024
Rules Version ADLG 4
Theme Classical & Rome 500 BC - 492 AD inclusive.
Venue Magdalene Centre, Eccles, M30 8JD
Army Later Macedonian
Army list 45.0.6
Army date 200 BC
Entrants 17 players in 16 teams.
My results 5th of 16 with 192 points. 2 wins, 0 draws & 1 loss.
All results Final placings.

Strategy & Review

The Later Macedonians are a "vanilla" Hellenistic army without any "toys". I chose it to keep things simple. My overall strategy was to learn from my mistakes.

I chose just four pike and a lot of medium spear and swordsmen. The latter are a weakness, but I wanted flexibility and not just lots of pike in a small army. As the army contains very few units that can shoot the foot will do, and did, most of the fighting in close combat. I also chose a small mounted command with elite medium cavalry to threaten a flank.

This is all very different from any other army I've used competitively or otherwise. The closest in style is the Andalusian Arab army I used last year. I anticipated a steep learning curve.

Things mostly worked out as I anticipated except for the cavalry. They never threatened a flank and did everything but; from holding off larger mounted commands to "dying to a man" (well almost) to gain time for the foot to chew through their opponents. Clearly, this army is never going to end games unscathed. Putting a lot of foot into close combat is the only way to win, but, at the same time, it "risks all".

I have to say I was surprised at how well the army worked, and two wins and a "slow" defeat was way beyond my expectations.

Game #1

Opposition Brain Espie
Army Dacian
Army number 96
Army date 100 BC
Initiative Lost
My Posture Defender
Terrain Mountains
Game time 02:05
Attrition Scores 16/24 to 30/30
Decisive Yes
Points 87 to 23
Result Win

This was my first time game against Brian. His army was a huge 30 units. Close combat ensued quickly except with my cavalry which delayed a lot of units on my right; I had no chance of threatening a flank. The Dacians relied on winning the first round of combat (two handed weapons & furious charge), but they did poorly. As the game wore on they lost more than I did. In one round I rolled three 6s to speed my victory. Eventually, and after many rounds of combat, the Dacians broke.

Game #2

Opposition Paul Dawson
Army Elymian
Army number 102
Army date 200 AD
Initiative Lost
My Posture Defender
Terrain Plains
Game time 02:10
Attrition Scores 24/24 to 12/24
Decisive Yes
Points 20 to 90
Result Loss

I had "earned" a tie against a top five UK player, which I expected to lose. My aim was to lose slowly in what was my first game against Paul. Deployment found my cavalry facing more & better mounted opposition (mainly cataphracts). Losses ensued, but surprisingly slowly, whilst elsewhere my loses mounted. My ability to respond was often stymied by Paul's millimetre precision in placing blocking units. However, I was surprised to have lasted 02:10 and was pleased to get half way to Paul's break point.

Game #3

Opposition Tony Parkin
Army Early Arab
Army number 75
Army date 100 AD
Initiative Won
My Posture Attacker
Terrain Plain
Game time 01:45
Attrition Scores 18/24 to 30/30
Decisive Yes
Points 85 to 25
Result Win

Another huge (30) army with lots of camels. Attacking for the first time, I capitalised on the deployment to quickly pin, and isolate, a large mounted command with both my foot commands. On my right, my cavalry delayed second command of camels and a cavalry command. The overlap created by the foot enabled me to turn a flank and take an unprotected camp. Arab loses mounted quickly, but breaking the army cost me units not least because Tony won more than a few combats in the last two turns.

Closing remarks

Everyone seemed to have a good time. Just look at the smiles in the photographs.

Having won only three times during 2017-23, to win two games for the second time in a year was very pleasing. I learnt the army can deal with all sorts: massed camels, massed swordsmen, and even lots of cataphracts. The latter represented by far the biggest danger.

All in all an enjoyable day out. As always, playing toy soldiers makes time fly by. The concentration required for three games in a day is part of the fun but it's also tiring. I was very tired after the drive home. The persistent rain and a busy motorway didn't help. I felt I'd earned a couple of beers by the time I got home.

I thought I'd finish with a small montage of the venue and, most importantly, a photo of Kevin Johnson who is both major domo, spreadsheet guru, and ADLG league organiser without whom we would struggle. Thanks Kevin.


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