Waving Flag: Notes


Hello. My name is Martin.

This is my online place for writings on: technology, music, history and my hobbies.  This site is primarily for notes, asides and assorted resources.

I am particularly interested in painting medieval & ancient miniatures for wargaming. My aim is to paint as many as I can before old age catches up with me.

Subscribe via RSS feed and wish me luck.

Recent posts

The future

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I have run a weblog on Blogger since 2017 and I am contemplating a move away to a simpler platform.

I have cross-posted a few select articles and resources here: just to see how much work is involved and to delve deeper into the intricacies of markdown.

In addition to posting short notes, I plan to cross-post all new posts for a while before deciding whether to take the big step of freezing my old blog and switching permanently.